My Wellness Morning Routine

wellness morning routine

Establishing a wellness morning routine is key to starting your day on a positive and uplifting note. The way you start your mornings sets the tone for how the rest of your day goes, which then trickles down to your weeks, months and years. For me, having a wellness morning routine is the first choice one makes to decide what kind of day you want to have instead of letting the day decide it for you. Listed below is an example of my morning routine and it is what works for me personally! I am sharing it in hopes that it helps one of you reading this get some ideas, but please note that what works for one person may not work for another and ultimately the goal is for you to recognize what works best for you.

  1. Make my bed every morning.

  2. Hydrate with water before anything else. We get very dehydrated while we sleep so it is key to hydrate first thing in the morning.

  3. Take my morning vitamins and supplements.

  4. Do my skincare routine, including a self care moment such as gua sha, body brushing or ice rolling to show my body some love.

  5. Have a wholesome, nourishing breakfast before having coffee.

  6. Drink my coffee. I try my best to drink my coffee after having breakfast to reduce the spike in cortisol levels first thing in the morning.

  7. Do a 5 minute meditation or say my affirmations.

  8. List three things I am grateful for that morning. This has lead me develop my gratitude practice and start the day on a positive note.


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